Interior Plant Design is the practice of arranging and creating a space for living plants in an indoor environment - Biophilic Design. Plants can be a powerful and beautiful presence in your home or office, so creating an interior plant design can make your space more beautiful and
functional. Dedicated specialists at Green Embassy offer interior plant design and installation services so you can have your very own green oasis. We use the highest quality plants to complement any architectural style or environment. We partner with sustainable suppliers making sure Nature is happy.

Our Plant Management and Maintenance Service maximizes the health and development of your plants in both residential and commercial spaces. Plants are alive, and staying alive requires constant care and attention to ensure nature's needs are met, increasing the changes of success. We know you have a lot in your plate already running your business or sorting your home, that is why Green Embassy is your ideal partner to look after your green oasis.
We spend time at home more than ever, which means our homes are getting greener by the day. With this in mind we designed a Plant Technical Consultancy Service that will help you diagnose, assess and treat plant problems you might be struggling with. Our team os botanist and biologists will make a thorough scientific assessment in order to guide you to best care for you plant collection decreasing the time you worry about them, and increasing the moments you share benefiting from them. This service is very complete and you can choose online or in-house option.